Splendour of the Truth: The Grace of Obedience

Splendour of the Truth

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Grace of Obedience

I think the love of the Traditional Catholics for, and fascination with the Tridentine Church has caused them to forget that all the rites and liturgical traditions were standardised after the council of Trent...before that for 1500 years there were a multitude of traditions n all within the Latin rite of the Church too. Besides, when Christ established His Church, He gave the power of the keys to Peter, so it is upto his successor to excercise that responcibility...of course guided by the Spirit. So it basically boils down to a rejection of authority in the Church.

The words of St Teresa come to mind when she got a vision from God telling her to open a monestry, but was rejected permission from her confessor, she gladly gave up her plan. When later questioned about it she replied "with regard to private revelations I may be mistaken, but i cannot go wrong by obedience".

I feel this is the kind of trust we need to place in the guidance of the Papacy...that no matter what happens the Spirit will finally work everything out for the greatest good, but its our job to be totally obedient.

God has not called us to be successful but obedient - Mother Teresa

If we asked the Lord to teach us all the truths we needed to know about this world and the moral principles we should follow...He would reply that,"for this very reason, on the rock (Petrus) I have founded my Church and the gates of hell cannot prevail this Church,I have also given it the keys of the kingdom of heaven so that what it binds on earth will be bound in heaven and what is looses on earth He will losed in heaven - Matt 16:18-19. This Church is also the pillar and bulwark of the truth - 1 Tim 3:15", we could then go on to ask Him what is the authority of the shepherds of this Church, and He would reply that,"those who welcome them welcome me, and those who welcome me welcome the one who sent me" - Matt 10:40.


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