Splendour of the Truth: Jul 13, 2006

Splendour of the Truth

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Holiness is not about doing good works, saying a lot of prayers or about a level of achievement in tne spiritual life, but it is rather about a state of being loved by a God who is all holy, for there can be no point at which an individual suddenly becomes holy by themselves, even after a lifetime of pious practices and a sincere yearning for God. It is really God's grace, which is poured out in love on each one of us, and for which we must be ever grateful, which makes us holy. Holiness is independent of whether we are sinful, for who can truthfully claim to never having sinned in their lives. Now regarding those individuals who lead exceptionally blessed lives, it is because they recognise God's infinate love for them and are compelled to act out of love as a grateful response to a God who has loved them first.

Holiness is also a call to growth in wholeness through personal transformation, thus becoming balanced and mature individuals, capable of using one's God given potential and talents to the hilt. It therefore requires one to deal effectively with all the psychological scars that injure one's psychi, in order to be able to live life in abundance. It is also a challenge to cooperate in building, moulding and shaping our world for the better.